Cultivating Feminine Energy
We all possess what is called divine masculine or feminine energy. These energies can be associated with Yin, which is the feminine energy, or Yang, which is the masculine energy. Both these energies occur in their natural state and work together harmoniously.
To achieve harmony in life and within, it is vital to balance out these divine energies. However, since there is a greater dominance between these divine energies, it may be challenging to balance out such universal energies but not impossible.
We live in an action-oriented world and this makes it difficult to tap into our divine energy. If you are searching for a way to connect back to your feminine energy, then you are in the right place.
Here are some things you can do to get back the balance and harmony of your life:
1. Embrace Sensuality
Taking in and enjoying the physical pleasure that life has to offer is one way for you to get back the divine feminine energy that you have lost. It doesn’t have to be sexual; you can embrace sensuality through other things such as yoga, dancing, self-care and so much more.
2. Practice Self-Love
One of the ultimate ways for us to reclaim lost divine feminine energy is by loving ourselves more. Try looking at the mirror and appreciate yourself a little more.
3. Reflect Before Acting
Feminine energy is about ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. For an example, instead of picking flowers from the garden, make sure you smell and appreciate them first.
4. Rest
Sometimes, all we really need in life is a little rest. Take a few minutes to relax without any distractions, eg turn that phone off! and tap into your divine feminine energy.
5. Honour Your “Me Time”
This is time that you set aside to connect with yourself more. You can do this through prayer, meditation, or even taking an evening walk. Whatever it is, make sure that you prioritise this time of the day.
Knowing how to achieve balance for the energies within you can help improve your overall life. These are just some ways to tap into and awaken your divine feminine energy regularly.